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Hello there 👋

I'm Alexandre Beslic, a software engineer specialized in distributed systems. This is my blog, on which I'll post whatever crosses my mind. Hope you enjoy your stay.

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What could be next for container orchestration?

Docker 1.12 is out in the wild! Hope you are having fun playing with the new orchestration features, breaking things in the process and comparing it to other orchestrators. Yet this is just the beginning of an era of more sophisticated systems to deploy and manage your containers. There

What could be next for container orchestration?

Recent Posts

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Building a Rust project on CircleCI

While Travis supports Rust natively for its build pipeline, CircleCI still misses first-class support for Rust. This short post explains how to build a Rust project on CircleCI so you don't have to go through all the trouble. We'll be using CircleCI 2.0, which comes

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Reviving the libkv library

In 2015, two months before the release of docker 1.9 which included container networking, we had a need for a distributed metadata storage solution. The inner working of libnetwork required informations to be accessible to docker engines in a distributed fashion, in order to discover and manipulate libnetwork objects

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Rust, Builder Pattern, Trait Objects, Box<T> and Rc<T>

One of the intimidating parts of learning Rust is to master all the basic container types: Box<T>, Rc<T>, Arc<T>, RefCell<T>, Mutex<T>, etc. The least we can say is that they are not really intuitive to